Workplace hygiene and gastronomy paper from IFF GmbH
As a wholesale dealer in gastronomy paper and hotel paper and inpackaging and workplace hygiene operating throughout Europe, IFF GmbH offers - as well as first-class product quality - expert advice and a comprehensive range of services.
IFF GmbH from Hausen near Würzburg/Germany is a complete equipment supplier offering a comprehensive range of napkins, menus, placemats, drip mats and individually designed woodpulp and bonded fabric and packaging. But also innovative washroom dispenser systems, hygiene concepts and cleaning products are included in IFF GmbH's scope of performance.

Individual concepts
Together with our customers we develop logical concepts which are exactly tailored to their specific needs. For bulk buyers with an extensive volume of demand we offer individually printed paper, packaging, hygiene products and promotional products, as well as the storage and associated logistics.
Our logistics centre in Hausen handles the entire logistics for eight wholesalers integrated into the sales structure, ensuring that all customers are reliably supported throughout the country.
Clever 24h logistics
Our location directly on the A7 motorway, in the Hausen industrial area, is equipped with cutting-edge logistics technology and a high-bay warehouse which ensures products are delivered on time and at short notice. Customers therefore receive the warehoused products already 24 to 48 hours after call-off. We provide advice and support, take care of the logistics in procurement and thereby reduce your time expenditure and costs to the bare minimum.
Satisfied customers
IFF GmbH's reference customers include many renowned, international companies such as Motel One GmbH, Yorma's AG, the Steigenberger Hotel Group, Deutsche Bahn and since 2011 also VOLKSWAGEN AG.
History – Performance and quality
Storage capacity expanded from 2,400 sqm to 3,800 sqm
Warehouse capacity extended from 1,400 to 2,400 pallet spaces
Purchase of the new company buildings in the Hausen industrial area directly on the A7 motorway. Expansion of the logistics business segment for supply chain customers and bulk buyers. The buildings are optimised for streamlined work processes and equipped with cutting-edge electronic data processing. The 11.50 m high narrow-aisle warehouse provides for extremely short access times in consignment
Since then
Continuous expansion of the customer base, particularly in the gastronomy and hotel industries Expansion of the range of printed woodpulp and bonded fabrics
IFF GmbH founded